Trusting the Moment
Unlocking Your Creativity and Imagination

A Handbook for individual and group work

by Jeannie Lindheim

Trusting the Moment is for individuals and people who work creatively with people: Coaches, Teachers, Facilitators, People in the Helping Professions, Therapists, Directors, Actors, Retreat Directors, Drama, Art, Music & Creative Writing Teachers, Youth Leaders, Artists, Dancers, Writers and People who like to have FUN.

Part 1:    The Art of Group Leadership
Part 2:   50 exercises for Creativity

I believe that this book is a gift to anyone who is lucky enough to read it. 
— Susan Dibble, Chair, Theater Arts Department, Brandeis University If experience is the best teacher, then Jeannie Lindheim is the next best thing — a teacher who has created 50 powerful experiences that help people learn how to be fully alive, compassionate, courageous, creative human beings. This book is a goldmine of ideas for anyone interested in the burgeoning field of experiential education. I recommend it enthusiastically!
— Richard Borofsky, Clinical psychologist, Co-founder of the Center for the Study of Relationship What a lovely, eclectic cookbook for learning to live more creatively in the here and now.
— Stephen Snow, Ph.D., RDT-BCT, Chair, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University, Montreal, Co-Founder, The Centre for the Arts in Human Development Read more endorsements for Trusting the Moment.

Jeannie is available for Keynotes and Workshops.
Please contact her for more information.

Trusting the Moment by Jeannie Lindheim

Jeannie Lindheim