Trusting the Moment
Unlocking Your Creativity and Imagination
A Handbook for individual and group work
by Jeannie Lindheim
Trusting the Moment is for individuals and people who work creatively with people: Coaches, Teachers, Facilitators, People in the Helping Professions, Therapists, Directors, Actors, Retreat Directors, Drama, Art, Music & Creative Writing Teachers, Youth Leaders, Artists, Dancers, Writers and People who like to have FUN.
Part 1: The Art of Group Leadership
Part 2: 50 exercises for Creativity
I believe that this book is a gift to anyone who is lucky enough
to read it.
— Susan Dibble, Chair, Theater Arts Department, Brandeis University If experience is the best teacher, then Jeannie Lindheim is the next best thing — a teacher who has created 50 powerful experiences that help people learn how to be fully alive, compassionate, courageous, creative human beings. This book is a goldmine of ideas for anyone interested in the burgeoning field of experiential education. I recommend it enthusiastically!
— Richard Borofsky, Clinical psychologist, Co-founder of the Center for the Study of Relationship What a lovely, eclectic cookbook for learning to live more creatively in the here and now.
— Stephen Snow, Ph.D., RDT-BCT, Chair, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University, Montreal, Co-Founder, The Centre for the Arts in Human Development Read more endorsements for Trusting the Moment.
— Susan Dibble, Chair, Theater Arts Department, Brandeis University If experience is the best teacher, then Jeannie Lindheim is the next best thing — a teacher who has created 50 powerful experiences that help people learn how to be fully alive, compassionate, courageous, creative human beings. This book is a goldmine of ideas for anyone interested in the burgeoning field of experiential education. I recommend it enthusiastically!
— Richard Borofsky, Clinical psychologist, Co-founder of the Center for the Study of Relationship What a lovely, eclectic cookbook for learning to live more creatively in the here and now.
— Stephen Snow, Ph.D., RDT-BCT, Chair, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University, Montreal, Co-Founder, The Centre for the Arts in Human Development Read more endorsements for Trusting the Moment.

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